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Was Jesus Present In The Old Testament?
The young man in this video shows us places in the Old Testament where Jesus was present long before his virgin birth in Bethlehem. The...
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Live Life In Thankfullness
I recently found this Internet ministry and have been blessed by many of his videos. In this video he shares God's word and explains why...
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People of Faith Using Science
Did you know that science is studying and observing the natural world? It may seem that science is dominated by anti God people that use...
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Can You Walk On Water?
If I ask you to walk on water, you will probably assume I am kidding, and rightly so. However, according to the Bible, the disciple Peter...
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This devotion talks about living life for happiness in this life. I am not saying looking for happiness is bad, but if we are not focused...
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Why Did Jesus Come When He Did?
God's timing doesn't always make sense to us. However, we can study the history and circumstances of events like the birth of Jesus. When...
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Psalm 23 And Rest??
We all know that God created the 7 day week, and asked us to rest. Why? What happens if we don't? This devotion talks about this, and...
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Deep Dive Into The Phrase, Trust God
In this video, a famous pastor, Chuck Swindoll, gives a great message about the Christian life. He goes deep into what it means to trust...
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Cancer Patient Told To Be Thankful...
I know that if I was diagnosed with cancer, I would have a hard time finding things to be thankful for. Yet in this devotion, the doctor...
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What About Purpose?
Rick Warren is a pastor in California. He released a book back in 2002 called The Purpose Driven Life which became a huge best seller....
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Adam Lost The Title Deed To All Creation?
The late Dr. Adrian Rogers was a tremendous preacher. In this archive sermon, he explains how only Jesus was worthy! His emphasis on the...
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Quotes By The Late Adrian Rogers Part 2
Adrian Rogers was a Pastor for most of his life, until he died in 2005. He was an extremely talented preacher. Here are some of his...
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Reasons For Writing It Down
During World War 2, a woman is killed by the Nazis, but her written diary has been translated into many languages. The result? Her last...
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Bummer Lamb, Wait, What???
This devotion was read to me recently at a church meeting. It is another creative, but very insightful look at how Jesus, the good...
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Forgiveness Is Hard, But God
I saw a post on Facebook about Corrie Ten Boom forgiving a Nazi guard. I went on a search to find sources for it. What I found is even...
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Don't Know What To Pray
We have all been there. Things are less than smooth. Stress is too high. We know we should pray, but the words won't come. Check out this...
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Stuff You Didn't Learn In Sunday School
My mens small group started a new bible study last year. I am liking it so much, I decided to invite you to try it out. It was created by...
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Sadie And Identity
Sadie Robertson rose to fame with her families' TV show, Duck Dynasty. While the Robertson family has been clear that faith is important,...
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Struggling With Storms
Storms. Some people like them. Others fear them. Some like myself, who survived a tornado, fall somewhere in the middle. I would say that...
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Conversations With God
Let me ask you a question. If you are a Christian, do you find things to talk to God about? Prayer is a fancy word for having a...
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