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New Christian Gives Advice
Recently found this video of a new Christian talking about the importance of the Bible in her life. Check out this great video....
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An Ex-Homosexual Talks About His Conversion
God wants all people to know His love and come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4) This is a story of a man who was lovingly...
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The Bible And The Love Letter
Jeff Foxworthy tells a true story about a person who strayed from God, and how a love letter from his mother helped to bring him back....
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She Was Raised An Athiest, But God Led Her Back To Him...
Want proof that God wants all people to be saved? This person is a living testament that God is actively working on all of us. Why, you...
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Trusting Through Grief
Most people know what it is like to be in the valley of grief. Our faith can waver in these difficult times. Lauren learned through the...
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Ex-Amish Truck Driver Preaches About Salvation
Eli a former member of the Amish, talks about saving faith and not relying on one's own religiosity for being saved. (note: if you watch...
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Egotistical Atheist Wakes Up To God
She describes herself as a egoistical, mean, atheist. Then God opened her eyes to the truth. Take a listen...
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Moving From Fear/Despair To Love/Forgiveness - Testimony
This young lady had a very different upbringing than most of us here in the United States. She grew up in a middle east country, as a...
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The More I Read The Words of Jesus, The More I Became Attracted to Him...
This story is about a normal Jewish man who had his eyes opened. As a young man, he was taught a list of things he had to do to really...
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Learning That Jesus Is Really God.
In this video, several former Muslims talk about how they came to faith in Jesus. Verses for...
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She Felt Sorry For Believers
You could call her a science geek. She loved investigating science and learning about origins of life from a secular science perspective....
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God Saved His Marriage (and his soul)
I can't imagine how great it would be to be a famous comedian. The fame. The money. Traveling the world. However for Jeff Allen, living...
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Broken Chains
At the time of this posting, the artist in this video is a relatively new Christian recording artist. In this video, he shares his...
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Former Muslim Tells His Story
I am a fan of people telling their story. God works through people in different ways, and I believe we can be encouraged and even learn a...
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God Changed Him From The Inside Out
You might already know this, but there is a culture war going on. Many with anti-Christian views and lifestyles are, and always will be,...
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Do You Look For Ways To Give Back?
Michael Jr. is a gifted Christian comedian. He has showcased his talents all over the world, and has even performed on the Tonight Show,...
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Explaining Love And The Outcome
Love and Outcome is a Canadian husband/wife duo that released their first CD back in 2013. Both members had been in Christian groups...
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Samantha's Testimony
Many young people who grow up in church, wander away, seeking the things of this world. For some it happens after being hurt. Others are...
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Rescued From Sin and False Religion
What does it feel like to be rescued? Someone who has been rescued from a dangerous situation could probably describe it best. I like to...
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Unlikely Story Of A Worship Song
Back in 2009, David Crowder, while still part of the David Crowder Band, recorded "How He Loves." It was on the their last cd titled,...
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