Being a Christian is a marvelous thing. Christians have the awesome privilege to know without a doubt who created us, who loves us, who saves us, and who we will be with forever. Despite all the good news found through the gospel, due to our human nature, many Christians feel burdened by the nagging question, "what must I do." It has become obvious to me that human beings are wired to work and earn for everything they have. (and sadly judging those who don’t meet our standards of doing and earning) I am not saying that we don't have an affinity to free stuff, but we seem to get a special satisfaction and pride from things we worked for and earned. Some self examination will no doubt lead you to see that some part of you likes the idea of earning your favor with God. I have a theory that the problem is related to needing tangible ways to feel and know that God really does love us. Who doesn't like to look up to God with a sense of accomplishment and pride and say, “See what I have done God?” Let's be clear right here and now. God doesn’t want us to live that way. God knows us at our very core. He knows we can't do it. We are sinners in our nature and we will always follow some good things done for God with some bad things. God knows that this will only torture us in this life. Let's look at what i would call the 3 directives from God for humanity. First, God wants us to know and believe in Him. Second, He wants us to worship Him, and third, the rest of the time should be filled with work and rest. I know there are any number of things that could be added in this formula, but these are the big three. Certainly reading the Bible, praying, and witnessing fall under these 3 as well. For this message to fully make sense, lets make sure we are on the same page about something. Not only are we not able to please God through our "works," but the Bible makes it clear that we can’t save ourselves either. Jesus went to the cross to do this for us. Furthermore, the, Jesus, the sinless son of God did this willingly, and ultimately succeeded in making a “once for all” sacrifice. Jesus did it all, and only asks that we believe and allow Him to save us through His free gift. While Jesus walked this earth, He consistently spoke against the Jewish religious leaders of the day. They seemed to think they could be right before God due to religious knowledge, good works and the following of many rules. Jesus rejected this time and time again. It's obvious that Jesus was upset with them, but despite that, I believe that His love was the overriding principle. He wants people to be free from the slavery of a law-based life. That is why the Gospel is so important to Christians. Sure the Gospel brings people to a saving knowledge of Jesus, but this same Gospel is needed all throughout ones earthly life, as well. We all need reminders that God's taken care of everything. (I love songs that do just that. I have listed one of the great Easter songs below, by Matt Maher.) Finally, while living the Christian life is a much talked about subject, I think we can simply things, when we remember that our faith is technically not a religion, usually characterized by rules and rituals. Christianity is an "already been done" way of life. When we remember this concept, life is happier, and our future brighter. It isn't easy. We will need to continue to remind our sinful nature that God loves us, and saves us “by grace through faith.” (Eph 2:8-9) If you can remember one thing on a day to day basis, remember this: Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished.”
Verses for Consideration:
Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast
John 16:33 ESV / 25 helpful votes
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
I believe in the Son I believe in the risen One I believe, I overcome By the power of His blood
Amen, Amen I'm alive, I'm alive because He lives Amen, Amen Let my song join the one that never ends
Because He lives
I was dead in the grave I was covered in sin and shame I heard mercy call my name He rolled the stone away
Amen, Amen I'm alive, I'm alive because He lives Amen, Amen Let my song join the one that never ends
Because He lives (He lives) I can face tomorrow Because He lives (He lives) Every fear is gone I know (I know) He holds (He holds) my life (my life) My future in His hands
Amen, Amen I'm alive, I'm alive because He lives Amen (Amen), Amen (Amen) Let my song join the one that never ends
Amen (Amen), Amen (Amen) I'm alive, I'm alive because He lives Amen (Amen), Amen (Amen) Let my song join the one that never ends
Because He lives Because He lives