"I Am They" is a great Christian band. This newer song is about giving God the glory He deserves! It is easy to focus on ourselves, as by nature, we often focus on being the master of our own lives. Too often, we live with a sense that we earned it and it is all ours. We need this reminder that, as the song states, all we have is God's! This helps you and I to remember how much we are dependent on God. So let us all "crown Him king of glory!"
Verses for Consideration:
1 Timothy 6:15 ESV
Which he will display at the proper time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
Psalm 22:28 ESV
For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.
It's not my life to live It's not my song to sing All I have is His, for all eternity
It's not my righteousness It's not my faithfulness All I have is His, for all eternity
Crown Him, Crown Him King of Glory Crown Him, Crown Him Lord of All
It's not my war to win It's not my weight to bear By His mighty hand He won the victory He won the victory
All I have is His, for all eternity
Crown Him, Crown Him King of Glory Crown Him, Crown Him Lord of All
It's not my blood but His That stands in my defense And oh what love is this That won the victory He won the victory
Crown Him, Crown Him King of Glory Crown Him, Crown Him Lord of All